low back pain
1. tight hip flexor
tightness vs weakness
In the case of weakness, stretching gonna make it worse
2. Abs exercises-tighter hip flexor because the are hip flexor driven movements
3. Weak glutes
*always squeeze when doing deadlift and squat
4. Weak lumbar paraspinal muscle/low back muscle
Tight QL
*floss muscle by up and down and point
*90 degree angle
Core exercise without hip flexors
1. Contract hamstring and glutes
*contract one side relax the other, like bicep and tricep
2. Lift pelvis/tail bone
*lock shoulder
3. Pallof press
*on knees
5. Sledge hammer swings
6. Jump
7. Side plank leg lift
Everyday lats strech
*tilt pelvis
*rotate body fully
*massage lats
*bend knees
*feet off ground
Rounded shoulder stretch and exercises
*external rotate-hands out-thumb backwards
*squeeze shoulder blade
*Arm protract
1. Skip reps
2. Bloated abs**************
3. Not enough hanging exercises
4. 5 times a week at least, 5678 mins would be enough
5. thinking only abs